Keto Tortilla Chips

"Crunch on your favorite snack chip - the tortilla chips - with this keto tortilla chip recipe. These chips are super crispy and perfect for scooping up your favorite low carb dip."

Key Ingredient

almond flour


– 2/3 cup almond flour – 1 tablespoon unflavored protein powder – 1 tablespoon xanthan gum – 1/2 teaspoon salt – 3 tablespoons hot water – 1 dropperful corn extract, optional – avocado oil for frying

Keto Tortilla Chips


5 Servings




10 Minutes



1. In a medium bowl, combine almond flour, protein powder, xanthan gum and salt. Stir to combine. Pour in hot water and mix until dough forms.

Make dough

2. Place dough in between two sheets of parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, roll out in all directions (attempting to form a rectangle shape) until the dough is very thin. The thinner the dough, the crispier the chip. To easily keep the dough from sticking to the parchment paper, carefully peel away the top parchment paper. Then replace and flip over. Then remove the new parchment paper on top. Now the dough will remove easily when you cut your shapes.

Roll it out

3. Using a pizza cutter or a knife, cut the dough into triangle shapes. Let the dough dry for several minutes - usually the time it takes to prep and heat the oil.

Cut into triangles

4. In a large skillet add enough avocado oil to cover the dough as they fry. Heat oil to medium heat. Once hot, add a few triangles to the oil (enough to cover the surface) and fry until golden brown. You can flip the chips if desired or lightly press them individually into the oil with a metal spatula.

Fry in oil

5. Once the chips are golden brown, remove them using a slotted spatula or spoon and place on a paper towel lined plate or baking sheet. Slightly season with salt.

Dry & salt


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